- Experience level: Intermediate to advanced
- Wingspan: 1450 mm / 57.1 in
- Wing area: 684.8sq.in / 44.2 sq.dm.
- Overall length: 58.2 in / 1479 mm
- Weight: 7.1lbs / 3.2kg
- Power system: 10cc / 46 – .55 cu.in 2 stroke .72 – .82 cu.in – 4-stroke.
- Radio: 4 channels
- Servos: 5 digitalMotor Battery4S-6S
- A fully aerobatic-capable plane, stable and responsive
- Balsa structure keeps the model lightweight, yet incredibly strong
- Light wing loading for easy handling
- Easily removable wings for transport and storage
- Factory covered in film with eye-catching high-vis colour scheme
- Huge top hatch for easy battery and equipment access
- Carbon fibre landing gear offers increased durability
- High quality of 300ml transparent RC fuel tank with clunk weight, fill & vent nipples and PU rubber wheel plastic hub
- Detailed cockpit area features a scale pilot, instrument decal and crystal-clear canopy
- Includes motor mount for the electric power option
- Complete hardware kit
What you need
- .46- .55 cu.in 2-stroke OR .72- .82 cu.in 4-stroke
- Radio System required 4 channels with 5 digital servos
- Glow plug to suit engine
- Propeller to suit engine
- Silicone fuel line